Kita boleh Telanjang, tapi jangan bulat-bulat.

Selalu ingin menulis kata yang dapat memberi suntikan semangat, kata yang sederhana namun ber-Daya...bagi hidupku...^_^

Butuh advis untuk meringankan antesedan. Seenaknya menganulir dengan apatis, padahal animo hampir finish. Hanya saja apriori belum merekah, masih berupa argot-argot beku. Disparitas menciptakan elegi. Perasaan yang frontal menjadi fluktuatif. Genial..., grafologi dan futurologi tak terdeteksi. Aku bukan hipokrit pun indolen yang mengkamuflase segala. Hapus sikap skeptis karena kita butuh restorasi...!

"Selamat menyelami huruf-huruf (usang)-ku"

Senin, 17 Juni 2013

Panduan Moderator dalam Bahasa Inggirs

Before presentasion

Hi Ladies , may i have your attention. The presentation is about to begin.
Honorable ...., Distinguished guests, ladies.
Good ........, assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
First of all, i would like to welcome you all to this presentation. In this occasion we would like  to have a presentation about ...........
My name is ......., and i have great honor to be moderator in this presentation today.
Before the presentation begins, allow me to introduce the presenters. This is Miss...., she is the first speaker, and the next is Miss...., she is the second speaker , the last speaker is  Miss ..., and notulen is Miss ....
Without more a do, i would like to welcome the presenter to deliver the presentation.
All right, Miss .... The floor is yours...

................Presentation Time ..................

Thank you for the informative and interesting talk.
All right, ladies . Now, we come to question and answer session. There will be two session and each session is for three questions. Don’t forget to mention your name and please raise your hand. Any questions?
Thanks for your questions ...
Oke next queastions please?
The first answer will be answer by miss....
Do we answer your question?
Ladies ! Finally, we come to the end of our presentation. We would  like to say thanks to the presenters for informative and interesting talk and to audience for your  active participation.
Hopefully the presentation will be beneficial for everybody.
Thank you for your attention

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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